My Vision of an Ideal Secondary School
I aim at leading a secondary school with the following defining characteristics of its educational mission.
(1) Students develop strong academic preparation for education in university and sound personality for a harmonious relationship with the people and the environment they belong to.
(2) Teachers master a student-centred pedagogy and possess a high team spirit.
(3) Parents trust the school & willingly offer support in co-educating their children.
(4) The school itself attains a high self-actualization level by synergize the efforts of all stakeholders through democratic participation.
寧波公學是我理想中的學校,擁有熱心教育事業的辦學團體,優秀的教師團隊,信任學校的家長和校友,數十年來為香港樹人育才。寧波公學的辦學團體 – 寧波同鄉會,設立數億元的獎學金以鼓勵學生升讀大學,並資助英語課程、海外學習交流活動以鼓勵學生學好英語及增廣見聞。寧波公學的教師與時並進,持續進行課堂研究和公開課示範,教學質素已獲業界高度肯定,並屢獲行政長官卓越教學獎。寧波公學學風淳樸,學習氣氛濃厚,學生秉承校訓「恆毅」精神,在學術及非學術領域表現卓越。寧波公學每年皆有學生獲選為本地傑出學生,自2012年新高中學制實施以來,寧波公學已有數百名畢業生升讀本地大學。