1. 所有功課11/2 早上九時前繳交2. 所有需要上載的功課,請使用Google 帳戶登入,如果沒有,請注冊一個。
3. 上傳家課,檔名必須附班別學號功課種類等。例如:2b02中作
中二級功課表 | |
科目 | 功課 |
中文 |
請完成工作紙及閱讀參考資料 (同學可直接下載工作紙印出書寫 或 把答案寫在紙上,復課後交中文科老師) |
1. English Builder (All exercises given during 1 – 10 Feb except Speaking) 2. Grammar self-study and reflection [Online Submission Here] ** require login a.Watch the following video clip about the grammar item, ‘How questions’. Basic English: 4 types of HOW questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_ro9075G2Q b. Write down all key points mentioned in the video clip. c. Make 5 different ‘How questions’. d. Write down the difficulties or common mistakes we may have when using this grammar item. |
數學 | 數學摘星自習計劃(100分)(需登入才可觀看詳情) |