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3. 上傳家課,檔名必須附班別學號功課種類等。例如:5b02中作
中五級功課表 | |
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中文 |
(同學可直接下載工作紙印出書寫 或 把答案寫在紙上,復課後交中文科老師) |
1. Writing Journal (HKDSE 2014 Writing Q1) The Local History Newsletter is a newsletter about the history of Hong Kong. Every month, it prints short articles about special places in Hong Kong. You have been asked to write an article about an old village called Lucky Village. Write your article using the three headings provided. You can use the headings in any order. - Life in Lucky Village 40 years ago - An event that changed Lucky Village - What Lucky Village is famous for [Online Submission Here] ** require login 2. Reflection on a Podcast on Chicken Soup for the Soul website Choose a podcast on the following website and listen to it. Write a reflection on the content. https://cms.megaphone.fm/channel/ADL8610480111?selected=ADL9994638773 [Online Submission Here] ** require login |
數學 |
5AB班: 4A書ex2D(1~39), 4B書ex8C(1~52) 5C班: 5A書總複習1(1~29單), 5A書總複習2(1~28雙) 5D班: 已由老師聯絡 5E班: 5B書ex7AB 同學完成功課後提交於此功課提交處 |
通識 |
通識達人網上挑戰計劃第二期(挑戰07至挑戰12) 完成所有6個練習 https://www.hkedcity.net/studentscheme/zh-hant/ls *同學須用教城帳戶登入,如同學忘記有關資料 請電郵至npcls@npc.edu.hk,並在電郵清楚交代個人資料, 包括中文姓名、班別、學號及查詢事宜,謝謝! |