1. 所有功課,除特別註明外,應於 25/2 上午九時或以前繳交2. 所有需要上載的功課,請使用Google 帳戶登入,如果沒有,請注冊一個。
3. 上傳家課,檔名必須附班別學號功課種類等。例如:3b02中作
中三級功課表 | |
科目 | 功課 |
中文 | 網上功課資料 |
1. Write an email You are the Chairperson of Green Club. You are writing an email to all the members talking about the seriousness of environmental problems and suggesting what they can do in daily life to help protect the environment. Remember to encourage your club members to follow the suggestions.Write at least 280 words. [Online Submission Here] ** require login 2. English Builder (all Exercises in Feb except speaking) |
數學 | 數學摘星自習計劃 (100分)(需登入才可觀看詳情) |