1. 所有功課,除特別註明外,應於 25/2 上午九時或以前繳交2. 所有需要上載的功課,請使用Google 帳戶登入,如果沒有,請注冊一個。
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中一級功課表 | |
科目 | 功課 |
中文 | 網上功課資料 |
1. Write a letter of advice to one of the people, a sporty 13-year-old girl, a busy housewife, an obese teenage boy OR a retired man with knee pain, suggesting a kind of sport to him/her and explain why. Also tell the person what he/ she needs to pay attention to in the letter. Write at least 200 words. [Online Submission Here] ** require login 2. English Builder (all Exercises in Feb except speaking) |
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